Bangladesh is predominantly a floodplain country where water is key to socio-economic development and sustainability of the eco-system. Flood, drought, cyclone, river erosion, siltation, and water scarcity in dry season have made water management a challenging task. The gradual degradation of the environment due to human interventions is adding further complexities to water management. To address these issues, the Institute of Flood Control and Drainage Research was established in 1974 and later renamed as the Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) in 2002. The Institute pursues research and capacity development in the field of water and flood management that is vital for economic development and social prosperity of the country. The Institute also provides advisory and consultancy services to government and non-government organizations.
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Research activities at the Institute focus on water management with major emphases on water resources management in floodplain environment, river and coastal hydraulics, wetland hydrology, hazard management, urban water management, irrigation and water management, water resources policy. more »