Institute of Water and Flood Management -
The IWFM alumni got a great chance to meet each other and the faculty members for the first time in an alumni reunion, held on November 21, 2009 in the IAT Seminar Room (first floor) of the Institute Building. A total number of twenty three alumni were present in the reunion program. The purpose of this program was an informal get together; create job opportunity and professional support for IWFM graduates. Dr. Shah Alam Khan, Director, IWFM welcomed the students, inspired to tighten the alumni bonding and to build a professional support.
A graduate reception program for IWFM graduates was held on the 3rd February at the institute building. The graduate students of the Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) started to gather at the institute building after the end of the 10th convocation of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). The faculty members were also joined this gathering. This informal gathering provided an opportunity to interact with each other (both graduates and faculty members) and to strengthen the bonding of IWFM family. One of the main attractions of this reception program was to celebrate the first PhD (Dr. Ahmadul Hasan) of IWFM. A total number of fifty four students; fourteen students of Postgraduate Diploma (Pg. Dip.), forty three students of Master of Science (M.Sc.) and one student of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) were graduated (up to 10th convocation) till its postgraduate program starts in 2002.